Field Photos

EBR Research Experiment: Card sorting technique - Setting:

My experiment took place on a Monday morning. For my research experiment I was able to set shop in an FIT classroom; a private and quiet room where all extraneous variables could be limited. 

Though all the potential participants were volunteers,  the experiment starting at 8:30 am I knew I needed some kind of incentive to lure my participants to the "lab". A freshly brewed cup of coffee and donuts did the trick: 

The "Non-ergonomic" Entrance:

 Sometimes I feel like I am Alice in Wonderland coming home: I have to go through a "rabbit hole" to get in and out of my apartment. This tiny door under the stoop is the entrance to our place; and this is Jason, my husband. Here he is demonstrating for you how NOT ergonomic the door story is. First: Watch your head!! As you go down the steps, one at a time, you may not notice how close to the arched door opening you are. Then bend to grab the... no, no door knob - that was forgotten in the design- so 2 options: Grab the key hole and watch out for your fingers and try to get a good pull. Option 2: grab the letter box "thingy" and stretch one leg out to have some leverage and pull the door.  having a good balance on your feet is key as the door is usually sticking and you may need to slam it couple times. Same thing for opening the door: watch your head, watch your fingers and this time use your foot to kick the door - one short kick on the bottom right corner will do. Oh and there is no light outside so make sure to remember all these steps when coming home at night as you will have to do this in the dark. 


  1. Looks like a building feature that alternates between charming and maddening. I have brought a couch in through a door like this and I feel your pain.


  2. I, too, have dealt with this in my practice...and with an entry situation much like yours!!!
    YIKES! Was I just specifying furniture that was too large???

  3. The problem is your husband is too tall... just shrink him by ten inches and the problem will go away!
